You know I missed all the christmas specials! It's a good job James has sky plus I tell you.
I was going to leave the post as that but then I realised that there is infact plenty to discuss! Tomorrow evening shall be an evening of lists and recaps, while next week we shall grace you with the first podcast of 2007! Should be magic 'tings.
So christmas has passed, along with all the chocolate, turkey and wine you could ever want. Infact I've played it gail porter this christmas and not really drunk a drop.
Did anyone watch Catherine Tate on Dr Who? I was wrong, it was infact halarious and not that dark at all! Sarah Parish as a spider woman daemon, great stuff. Oh yeah, watch 24 and stay tunned for much James and Grahamage.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas ALEX!
From all of us at the James and Graham team (so that's me and erm..james then) Have a Merry Christmas.
New Year part will come soon.
New Year part will come soon.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Merry Christmas (the CHRISTMAS podcast)

Terrible advert
Matt Wilson
Merry Christmas (the CHRISTMAS podcast)
Terrible advert
Matt Wilson
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Loop Duplicate My Heart
The time of lists approaches soon, but before that; the ever elusive christmas podcast is beggining to take shape. Infact it takes shape, yakult and a bannana daily with breakfast.
I watched the Island last night and came to the following conclusion-
If simon peggs american accent in The Big Nothing is nothing short than believable, all hell shall let loose. The Wii was released the other day, they are saying it might be the very thing to get Britain active.Yeah.
Oh and because I am SO current, heres a scathing 5 word review of the goverment of Iran at the moment-
What a bunch of twats.
Still, at least theres....24?
When all else fails, there's still good old Jack.
Over n Out-
Gloriously late 90's Computergamelike
Should really watch this
It's all about this
The time of lists approaches soon, but before that; the ever elusive christmas podcast is beggining to take shape. Infact it takes shape, yakult and a bannana daily with breakfast.
I watched the Island last night and came to the following conclusion-
If simon peggs american accent in The Big Nothing is nothing short than believable, all hell shall let loose. The Wii was released the other day, they are saying it might be the very thing to get Britain active.Yeah.
Oh and because I am SO current, heres a scathing 5 word review of the goverment of Iran at the moment-
What a bunch of twats.
Still, at least theres....24?
When all else fails, there's still good old Jack.
Over n Out-
Gloriously late 90's Computergamelike
Should really watch this
It's all about this
Thursday, December 07, 2006
God Hates Ugly
It's December allready, can you believe that?! How winter has flown by like a concorde, back when they were around (they did stop, right?). How strange has the weather been (in the uk, the best place to be, obviously) we are still sort of getting spring out here at times. Oh and there was a tornado in the suburbs today, apparently there may be more tomorow. Perhaps this is why I post now, because tomorow the computer my be in mexico via chorely.
Anyway, other big news the last few weeks was Britney Spears' VAGINA.
This is the problem these days, all the access there is to everyone. Just like how nowadays every album you get pre-release date is going to sound ok, but not good enough, Britneys birth-hole (I may trademark that) was just so...rubbish.
REALLY RUBBISH. I mean, you would expect her being RICH she could afford a good vagina. Or a wig or something. It was practically naked (ok so it was naked). And what ever happened to underware I say.
Right so the point was, the picture the papers should have put out for the people should have been this priceless peice of photography (PPPP)
They look like they're out to fight crime.
Soon you shall have the December podcast, in the meantime I may post a few random tidbits here, or spruce this up. 2007 should be an excellent year for this blog.
Right enjoy these links-
Anyway, other big news the last few weeks was Britney Spears' VAGINA.
This is the problem these days, all the access there is to everyone. Just like how nowadays every album you get pre-release date is going to sound ok, but not good enough, Britneys birth-hole (I may trademark that) was just so...rubbish.
REALLY RUBBISH. I mean, you would expect her being RICH she could afford a good vagina. Or a wig or something. It was practically naked (ok so it was naked). And what ever happened to underware I say.
Right so the point was, the picture the papers should have put out for the people should have been this priceless peice of photography (PPPP)
They look like they're out to fight crime.
Soon you shall have the December podcast, in the meantime I may post a few random tidbits here, or spruce this up. 2007 should be an excellent year for this blog.
Right enjoy these links-
Britney Spears,
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Make Yourself
So Casino Royale was pretty good, little computer people. It was pretty damn good. Heres my review-
Casino Royale was Damn Good Son.
And that's all that needs to be said. I know there alot of rumours about our soon to be award winning podcasts, such as will we ever tour live like Mitchell and Webb currently, or will we make a film. I can answer some of these rumours. At the moment there's simply no film.
A message to the people that subscribe: We love you.
A message to the people that want to subscribe but don't have the software/know-how: We love you just as much, if not more.
Hows that for switching something I said round on its head, like a b-boy some would say. I'm rambling now, but I can't get too near to Madonnas place. SeewhatIdidthere?
Currently, Simon Amstell (sp?) is being very much enjoyed on Never Mind The Buzzcocks, and I liked Jam and Jerusalem (sp?). Heres to Dawn French.
Heres to the French. Wait. No.
Over n Out.
(Geri Halliwells new baby is real ugly)

Casino Royale was Damn Good Son.
And that's all that needs to be said. I know there alot of rumours about our soon to be award winning podcasts, such as will we ever tour live like Mitchell and Webb currently, or will we make a film. I can answer some of these rumours. At the moment there's simply no film.
A message to the people that subscribe: We love you.
A message to the people that want to subscribe but don't have the software/know-how: We love you just as much, if not more.
Hows that for switching something I said round on its head, like a b-boy some would say. I'm rambling now, but I can't get too near to Madonnas place. SeewhatIdidthere?
Currently, Simon Amstell (sp?) is being very much enjoyed on Never Mind The Buzzcocks, and I liked Jam and Jerusalem (sp?). Heres to Dawn French.
Heres to the French. Wait. No.
Over n Out.
(Geri Halliwells new baby is real ugly)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hand Of Stone
We are so good to you people
This is the latest in our series of podcasts, an episode of ups and downs, lefts and rights, backs and arses. This post might even be edited later! Sweet I say.
The Difficult Third Album
Graham x.
This is the latest in our series of podcasts, an episode of ups and downs, lefts and rights, backs and arses. This post might even be edited later! Sweet I say.
The Difficult Third Album
Graham x.
Friday, November 10, 2006
The Clap
My Goodness This Will Blow Your Socks....Off...
There we go, thats the fourth podcast done. Leave us your opinions, give us some tips, shout at us or just generally comment. No, just comment.
Heres a link to the best band we know (the only band we know)
The Mayfare Superkings
Heres the shirt...

Heres a picture of the cat, thing I was on about

Finally (I am so good to you people) links to all the things i like to think i referenced ever so subtly
The Abobminal Dr. Phibes
Find em
Broken Out Yet?
Killing Off A Main Character Was Never A Good Idea
Right im knackered, enjoy kids-
There we go, thats the fourth podcast done. Leave us your opinions, give us some tips, shout at us or just generally comment. No, just comment.
Heres a link to the best band we know (the only band we know)
The Mayfare Superkings
Heres the shirt...
Heres a picture of the cat, thing I was on about
Finally (I am so good to you people) links to all the things i like to think i referenced ever so subtly
The Abobminal Dr. Phibes
Find em
Broken Out Yet?
Killing Off A Main Character Was Never A Good Idea
Right im knackered, enjoy kids-
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Don't eat my shoe (how are the pelicans? Or...)
Hey! Well this time it's James as opposed Graham and I'm accompanied by the lovely (lovely lovely lovely) Elsa. This post is merely an obligation as Graham wants me to be a bit more involved behind the scenes rather than just playing the role of the bloke who interupts him in our hilarious pod casts. Erm...well. It's the night before fireworks night! So the smell of explosives in the air, just liofdkjfdoksfopgfdui0iopap[ogdjy89xvc,m jio vckjnl g mn gbbdihnrinreod[ bjb p-jjibk, b, m mnvcy8gfkofjibvcgf sorry about that *ahem* just as it has been for the past month. Any excuse for people in this country to create needless explosions. Does anybody else think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is utter shit?
Rocket's not rocket science...continuity.
Rocket's not rocket science...continuity.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Logic Of Your Sex Laws
I know what you're thinking, you're thinking two things:
a. This is pretty rubbish for a blog
b. James doesn't exist
I know you're thinking those things for a fact, and I ladies and gentleladies am here to dispell those two, rumours. But before I do, lets just go off on a tangent here. How kool is that, we've allready got rumours. Thats at least a 6 in the Kool scale (the only scale with a capital K). You know (well you don't but I'll tell you what I'm planning on saying anyway) , I think I might edit those last posts. They sort of read like 50 Cent wrote them.
So query a)= within a week, this blog will be amazing. Frogs will rain from the sky, blood down the halls and kids will explode with awe as we unleash our ever important opinions. Oh and the title changed due to "The Bloody Mental James And Graham" being a bit pants. James thought of this new, offical, never changing again title (2 pts to anyone that can spot the hiphop reference in it) . So yeah, that brings me on neatly to query numero deux (two foreign languages there!)- James does exist. Really. It's not like back when Emminem was good and used to say he'd killed Dre and that he's in the basement. James would be blogging right now, but hes quite busy watching an ISIS video. But he promised to make an appearance tomorow.
I think thats enough for today, Im gonna end with a list of things i might have intentionally or unintentioally mentioned/referenced-
Not Gonna Spoil The Ending
Bought this for Halloween yesterday
I'm a bit late, but this is amazing
a. This is pretty rubbish for a blog
b. James doesn't exist
I know you're thinking those things for a fact, and I ladies and gentleladies am here to dispell those two, rumours. But before I do, lets just go off on a tangent here. How kool is that, we've allready got rumours. Thats at least a 6 in the Kool scale (the only scale with a capital K). You know (well you don't but I'll tell you what I'm planning on saying anyway) , I think I might edit those last posts. They sort of read like 50 Cent wrote them.
So query a)= within a week, this blog will be amazing. Frogs will rain from the sky, blood down the halls and kids will explode with awe as we unleash our ever important opinions. Oh and the title changed due to "The Bloody Mental James And Graham" being a bit pants. James thought of this new, offical, never changing again title (2 pts to anyone that can spot the hiphop reference in it) . So yeah, that brings me on neatly to query numero deux (two foreign languages there!)- James does exist. Really. It's not like back when Emminem was good and used to say he'd killed Dre and that he's in the basement. James would be blogging right now, but hes quite busy watching an ISIS video. But he promised to make an appearance tomorow.
I think thats enough for today, Im gonna end with a list of things i might have intentionally or unintentioally mentioned/referenced-
Not Gonna Spoil The Ending
Bought this for Halloween yesterday
I'm a bit late, but this is amazing
Thursday, October 26, 2006
October Trilogy- The Matrix Revultion.
The last podcast in october! I know, I know, as tough as it may seem- this is it.
Fortunatly for you, we've lots to talk about; tonnes to get off our chest, lots to interest.
I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Actually I am a poet but lets not go into that.
For now, I leave you with a rap-
Yes James does exist
He's just currently away
So I'll get my guns on you
Because of a hoe
Thats the street hustler soul
Shooting thru my flow.
oh yeah.
The Last Of The Octobers Podcast
Fortunatly for you, we've lots to talk about; tonnes to get off our chest, lots to interest.
I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Actually I am a poet but lets not go into that.
For now, I leave you with a rap-
Yes James does exist
He's just currently away
So I'll get my guns on you
Because of a hoe
Thats the street hustler soul
Shooting thru my flow.
oh yeah.
The Last Of The Octobers Podcast
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Second Bloody Podcast
Recorded soon after the first, you could TASTE the progression. Quicker pace, tighter pronounciation (sp?) and all together sexyness meant this, was a pure classic in only the Chronic sense. The topics in this one I hear you mumble.
Oh you mumble.
Harry Bloody Potter.
As The Thing used to (and still probably does) say, "'nuff said"
The Harry Potter Affairs
More, in a few seconds-
G Money.
Oh you mumble.
Harry Bloody Potter.
As The Thing used to (and still probably does) say, "'nuff said"
The Harry Potter Affairs
More, in a few seconds-
G Money.
The First Mighty Podcast
Right here we go. The beginning. No prequels, none of that extended CGI bull, the real deal. Its upwards from here, sky high (not to be confused with the probably awful film titled that, which I probably will never ever see because its probably awful, probably) . Take heed. We talk, and we will talk. Healthy hearty debate. If you're offended, drop us a line. Or a dime. Or a lime. Just be careful where you aim, and remember- History never tasted so good.
The First J N G Podcast
Hizzle n Out-
The First J N G Podcast
Hizzle n Out-
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